Founded in 2011 for the purpose of carrying out research in exhaled breath markers

Our Mission

To make testing for coronavirus rapid, reliable and easy, providing instant results at Point of Care, requiring neither sample handing nor laboratory equipment.

The Team

Helle Funch Nielsen  Founder & Tel. (+45) 2830 7858 / (+45) 4820 5900

Helle Funch Nielsen
Founder & CEO
Tel. (+45) 2830 7858 / (+45) 4820 5900

Technology Partners


Aliksir Ltd are a committed provider of scientific and technical services in the development of electrochemical sensors.

Aliksir is undertaking the sensor specific development to coronavirus


Exhalation Technology develops breath analysis devices for disease diagnosis, monitoring, and management.

Exhalation Technology makes the technology platform, The Inflammacheck® avaliable

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Zimmer and Peacock provides standard products, development and manufacturing services centered around electrochemical sensors, biosensors, medical diagnostics and IVD.

Zimmer & Peacock admens the device and integrates the sensor therein